Hydrologist’s research highlights benefits of prairie-wetland restoration at Glacial Ridge NWR

In a quaint corner of Polk County, Minnesota, retired hydrologist Tim Cowdery conducted pioneering research that would ultimately alter the course of conservation history. His groundbreaking study, conducted over a decade at the majestic Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge, unveiled a treasure trove of insights that would reverberate across the...

Happenings in the lakes area, June 8-19

Community Calendar: Exciting Events in Detroit Lakes As the summer season kicks into high gear, the Detroit Lakes community is buzzing with a variety of events and activities for residents and visitors to enjoy. From outdoor adventures to cultural happenings, there's something for everyone in the lakes area. First up,...

The EU Is Taking on Big Tech. It May Be Outmatched

This article delves deep into the ongoing digital duels between the European Commission and Big Tech giants such as Microsoft, Google, Meta, and others. The European Commission's approach of enforcing transparency, accountability, and regulation in areas of algorithms, data protection, online harassment, and disinformation is commendable. However, the article highlights...